6.The Internet in my life. The advantages and disadvantages of Media education.
Actually, I have already talked about this theme if i remember right, somewhere in my blog, but I’ll give you the thoughts I am having this time.
We could start by Internet’s pros which are quite a lot and then I would share my internet cons with you, and I wonder if we are in a same thought.
Pros on the internet
• You could find anything and everything on the internet
• You could find the things you need
• Watch movies, paint digital paintings, blogging, check your e-mails
• Have social media accounts
• Have contact with your friends
• Chat with your friends, facetime with them
• Read articles, write articles
• Play video games online
• Do online shopping
And many more.
Cons on the internet 🍦
• Bad sites, fake sites
• Hackers
• Catfishing
• Bad ads, fake ads charging money from you
• Online games leading to online people and then getting catfished or somewhere bad
• Not very safe space
• Very bad idea to share your ID to anyone online, try using nicknames.