X-mas tree
Christmastime is always a magical time of year for me. I am a true lover of Christmas. Sure, the presents are great, but the excitement and mystery of Christmas I love most of all.
Now I am decorating my Christmas tree. I am hanging colourful toys from branches. I am hanging candy canes too. Christmas tree is very beautiful with colourful lights, so I am trying to put the lights on the tree. It is very difficult, so my brother is helping me now. Christmas tree is not complete without the top star. My brother is trying to put the star on the top of the Christmas tree, but he is not quite tall. My father is here. He is putting it on the top of the tree. Now, I am putting cotton under the tree because cotton is white and it looks like snow. My brother is putting presents under the Christmas tree. We have a lot of gifts and I am very happy. Now it’s time to dance around the Christmas tree.
A candy cane is a cane-shaped stick candy often associated with Christmastide, as well as Saint Nicholas Day. Candy canes are traditionally white with red stripes and flavoured with peppermint, but may also be a variety of other flavors and colours.
magical- կախարդական
a true lover- իրական սիրահար
excitement- հուզմունք-
mystery- առեղծված
most of all- ամենից շատ
hang- կախել
cane – կախիչ, ձեռնափայտ
candy cane – կոնֆետ-ձեռնափայտ, որը նման է ձեռնափայտի կամ կախիչի
cotton- բամբակ
presents=gifts- նվերներ
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