I can talk about sleep

  1. drifted off
  2. a profound slumber
  3. distressing
  4. drift off
  5. sounded
  6. continued sleeping
  1. Barry’s still in bed and he’s fast asleep. Do you want me to wake him up?
  2. I felt really tired, so I went to bed.
  3. I forgot to set my alarm last night, and I’m afraid I overslept this morning.
  4. I don’t have to get up early tomorrow, so I think I’ll have a lie-in.
  5. It was after midnight but I still felt wide awake.
  6. I felt really tired – I couldn’t stop yawning.
  7. My husband wears red pyjamas in bed and snores so loudly that he keeps me awake.
  1. Have a nap
  2. Insomnia
  3. Suffer from insomnia
  4. A heavy sleeper
  5. Concentrate on my mind
  6. Have a restless sleep
  1. I get very irritable if I don’t sleep well.
  2. These days I often have a nap after lunch; it’s almost become a routine.
  3. After a relaxing bath and a hot drink, I always sleep soundly.
  4. I never sleep more than three hours a night – I suffer from insomnia.
  5. I didn’t sleep well last night because I’ve got a lot of things on my mind.
  6. Nothing disturbs me at night – I’m a very heavy sleeper.
  7. I was absolutely exhausted last night, and I slept for ten hours.
  8. I’m afraid I’m a bit irritable at the moment. I’m suffering from a lack of sleep.